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Do not use a download manager for downloading our files.
To prevent misunderstandings, please read all the information pages on this website!
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- click on the question for your answer-
01. How do I open the downloaded ZIP-folder?
Our MIDI files are compressed by order with the Stuffit Expander programme and offered as .zip file download. This .zip file must be extracted also with Stuffit Expander. After extraction a new folder is automatically created in which you will find the songtitle folders with your invoice and all midi files. Unfolding and creating the folders happen on the same location where the downloaded .zip file was saved. In the folders you'll find all different midi system masterings. We offer the " Stuffit Expander" programme as a FREE DOWNLOAD and it can be found on our website under 'FREE SOFTWARE' in the menu.
02. What is the password to open the ZIP-folder? You have downloaded your order and upon extracting Stuffit Expander asks for a password. Your Customer-ID is the password to your protected .ZIP-folder. This Customer-ID you have received from us upon registration. It is the same 10-digit number that you use to log in and to open a shopping basket.
03. Is it necessary to register again each time to be able buy online? No, that is not necessary. At your one-off registration you have received your Customer-ID by e-mail. This ID together with your e-mail address can be used again to log in and open a new shop basket. Be sure to use the e-mail address that you have entered upon your one-off registration.
04. I paid for my order, but there was an error during downloading. What to do? After payment, you received an affirmative e-mail of your purchase. Send this e-mail to office@tmfonline.com and typ as subject "error upon download". This mail contains data which is necessary for us to make your order available for downloading again. After we have checked your payment, we will send you an e-mail with further instructions to download your order again. We send that mail exclusively to the e-mail address registered. NOTE: On this we can not be of service telephonically!
07. Do I own the midi files after my purchase? You have purchased the personal right of using the midi file. Therefore, the actual midi file never becomes your property. The Intellectual Rights of the midi file (and possible audio/mp3 files made of it) are and remain at any time the property of Younique Music Group BV. For this reason you cannot give away, trade, sale or otherwise (illegally) exchange the midi files. Should you do so, then you act in violation of the law on the Related (Neighbouring) Rights and that is an indictable offence! Of course the above also applies to purchases through our dealers and licensees.
08. How are our TMF midi files protected? All MIDI files in your download/purchase are provided with a "Digital Signature". This means that your personal details are present in all .mid files you ordered. In the file FILEINFO.TXT also provided in the .zip file, you will find which personal information has been included.
09. Do midi files play in a CD or DVD player? No, you cannot play midi files on a CD and/or DVD player. Midifiles are computer files which contain protocols for keyboards and/or soundmodules. Using a computer with the correct software in combination with a keyboard and/or soundmodule, you can edit midi files and then record to audio. For this you need the right equipment.
10. Why is it not possible to buy Midi Files and MP3 Backing Tracks together? Most customer choose either Midi Files or MP3 Backingtracks.
To prevent that our customers unintendedly mix Midi Files and MP3 Backing Tracks in their order, we opted for the separation of the MIDI Shop from the MP3 Shop.
Do you mean to order both Midi Files and MP3 Backing Tracks? Please checkout after your MIDI order and continue shopping for MP3 and checkout again.