All of the above song titles are available as MIDI file and MP3 Backing Track! For a complete list, click in the menu at the top of this page on 'MIDIFILES' or 'AUDIO-BACKING TRACKS'.
GM-Only productions are only available as GM1 format and not available as MP3 Backing Track.
BEST MIDI FILES & MP3-BACKING TRACKS Younique Music Group produces the famous TMF midi files and MP3-backing tracks. We are professional producers as of 1992 and our quality is well known all over the world. Discover our creativity in professional digital music arrangements.
Our arrangements are availabe as midi file for use inside your keyboard and/or soundmodule and as MP3-audio file for entertainers without musical instruments on stage. For detailed information and demo's, choose midifiles or audio-backing tracks in the menu above.
PAY ONLINE AND DIRECT DOWNLOAD? For online payment and direct dowload it is necessary that you register once. Do you already have a Customer ID? Sign in by clicking the "WEBSHOP LOGIN 'button, if not, click 'REGISTER ONCE' and complete your one time registration.
YOU WANT TO PAY PER INVOICE? In that case, you can use an order form where you can indicate your preference and you will receive an invoice that you can pay 'offline', click the desired order form below..
YOUNIQUE MUSIC GROUP/TMF ONLINE MIDI PACKAGES Each package contains five complete YMG/TMF midi file song titels inclusive KARAOKE lyrics. Click here for a complete list of our midi file pacakges.
GM-ONLY MIDI FILES, OVER 5.500 MIDI FILE TITLES ONLINE You buy only General Midi Level 1 midi files, many with Karaoke lyrics. GM-Only midi files are produced by other manufacturers and therefore of a different quality than TMF files. Choose 'Midi Files' in the menu above and then midi file catalog.
Our terms of delivery shall apply to all transactions. If you buy our MIDI files or MP3 Backing tracks you agree to our terms of delivery. Click here to view our terms of delivery and copyright information.
Above song titles are soon available as MIDI file and MP3 Backing Track! GM-Only productions are only available as GM1 format and not available as MP3 Backing Track.
PRICE LIST FROM JANUARY 2025 Midi files Extended, Basic & GM-Only collection
Incl. VAT
Extended less than 24 hours online
Extended more than 24 and less than 72 hours online
Extended more 72 hours online
Extended collection medley
Basic collection
Basic collection medley
GM-Only titles
MP3-Backing Tracks 320Kbps
Incl. VAT
MP3-Backing track standard
MP3-Backing track medley
Volume discounts Midi & MP3
5-9 song titles*
10-19 song titles*
+20 song titles*
* not applied during periods of action
When making purchases in our online webshop € 1.25 per order administration/transaction fee will be charged.
YMG/TMF prepaid account
You pay
Your balance
Prepaid 50 (plus 10%)
Prepaid 75 (plus 15%)
Prepaid 125 (plus 25%)
Prepaid 175 (plus 30%)
Prepaid 250 (plus 40%)
Prepaid 350 (plus 50%)
EXTENDED: Extended midi files contain Embedded Karaoke Lyrics and Vocal Harmony tracks (always on track 4). Midi files produced from 1-1-2014 also contain embed chords and sheet music in PDF format.
Basic midi files do not contain Embedded Karaoke Lyrics and Vocal Harmony tracks, and that is the only difference with Extended titles.
GM-Only midi files will be delivered as GM 0 & 1 format files. A lot of these titles contains Embedded Karaoke Lyrics and Vocal Harmony tracks. These midi files are not produced by YMG, but by other external producers.
PREPAID ACCOUNT: You can open a prepaid account. This allows you to download your MIDI files & MP3-backing tracks online at your convenience without having to pay for each download. There are no subscription obligations. You can use your prepaid account also to get access to our special MIDI & MP3-Backing track member services that do not apply in the online shop.
Note: Only MIDI files and MP3-Backing Tracks produced by TMF/YMG are available within the member/subscriber/prepaid account section.
Our terms of delivery shall apply to all transactions. If you buy our MIDI files or MP3 Backing tracks you agree to our terms of delivery. Click here to view our terms of delivery and copyright information.
Younique Music Group BV
Russchevlietstraat 7
4507CH Schoondijke
T: +31(0) 117 700 504